
A multi-user collaborative platform for creating and inhabiting text based literary worlds.

This is very much a work in progress.

Developer Setup

This project uses Python 3.7+.

  1. Ensure you have Redis installed.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Create and start a new virtual environment.
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Type make to see a list of common developer related tasks. For instance, to run the full test suite and code checks type: make check.

The application expects certain configuration settings to be found in the environment. These are (with default settings within parenthesis):

  • TEXTSMITH_REDIS_HOST ("localhost") - the server running Redis.
  • TEXTSMITH_REDIS_PORT (6379) - the port to use to connect to Redis.
  • TEXTSMITH_REDIS_PASSWORD (None) - the password to use to connect to Redis.
  • TEXTSMITH_REDIS_POOLSIZE (10) - the number of connections in the Redis connection pool.
  • TEXTSMITH_KEY ("CHANGEME") - the secret key used by the web application for cryptographic operations.
  • TEXTSMITH_DEBUG (False) - the debug flag which results in detailed debug information from the web application. This flag is assumed to be True if any value is set in the environment variable.
  • RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY ("CHANGEME") - the public key for the reCaptcha v2 challenge in the signup form.
  • RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY ("CHANGEME") - the private key for the reCaptcha v2 challenge in the signup form.
  • TEXTSMITH_EMAIL_ADDRESS ("CHANGEME") - the email address of the account TextSmith uses to send emails to users.
  • TEXTSMITH_EMAIL_PASSWORD ("CHANGEME") - the password for the email account TextSmith uses to send emails to users.
  • TEXTSMITH_EMAIL_HOST ("CHANGEME") - the host for the email account TextSmith uses to send emails to users.
  • TEXTSMITH_EMAIL_PORT ("CHANGEME") - the port for the email account TextSmith uses to send emails to users.

To run TextSmith, make run and connect to the local server with your browser. If the make command doesn’t work, try the following command from the shell: hypercorn textsmith.app:app.

JSON based structured logging is emitted to stdout. Each log entry is on a single line and contains a timestamp and details of the system upon which the application is running.